Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Painting"Just Hanging Out" in progress

This is an update of last weeks post. This is a photograph and not a scan so the color is a little warm. The size of the board is 8" x 10", Pewter has been roughed in along with the outside of his bed. I worked for quite a while on the inside (faux lambs wool) trying to get the texture right along with the shadows. It's funny, last year he lived in this bed, this year I can't get him near it. I figure I am about half way through. As you can see, at this point I do not have any detail on the cat, just the general color and shadows.

Boy, what a week! That is all I can say. I felt a little better after reading other bloggers with their concerns and worries. Actually there have been some great posts, how to regroup, rethink and keep creating.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

It is fascinating to see how the painting progresses Holly. I love the way you have painted the blanket. It is very lifelike. Our cats also have their treasured positions in the house. They have about 8 places each! We never know where they will turn up